During the first few days of March 2024, my mother turned 93, our youngest grandchild turned ten, and our oldest grandchild turned 26.
My mother has always been my Best Friend. She set a positive example of patience, understanding, and love which I hope I've passed on to my own children.
Besides our youngest grandchild and oldest very grandchild, we have four other grandchildren. They are each amazing to us with their own distinct personalities.
Our grandchildren have a wonderful heritage. Ancestors of both my mother and father crossed the plains to settle in the Salt Lake Valley.
Our grandchildren will blaze their own trail.
The decisions they make as they grow up will determine their eternal destiny.
As their Grandparents, we feel an overwhelming responsibility to them. Raising children in this century, is much more challenging than when we were raising children.
If we can be a source of help to our children as they raise their own children, we are ready—as much as we can be in this very different world.
Although their upbringing will be up to their parents, we know we also need to set an example and be a positive influence in the lives of our grandchildren.
However, for now we will just enjoy their sweetness and let the future take care of itself. Having been a mother for 52 years, I know all too well how quickly time passes.